Zion Lutheran Church
Year 100
Begins with
Paraments Dedication

One day after its 100th birthday, Zion Lutheran Church of Silverhill dedicated a set of Trinity Season Paraments (the green of Trinity Season hanging on the altar rail contrasting with the purple of Advent Season decking the altar for this Advent dedication). The Centennial Banner for Zion hangs on the wall to the right behind an Advent wreath, also dedicated on December 19, 2004.
Zion's Centennial Banner Committee developed the Centennial Banner which will grace Zion's Sanctuary for the next year in celebration of Zion Lutheran Church's Centennial. A second group, Zion's Centennial Paraments Committee, simultaneously evaluated the condition of all church linens and special occasion sacred cloths and determined that the set of paraments for Trinity Season should be augmented with a new set of green paraments.
On the first full day of the Zion's 100th year, Shirley Stephens (l to r), Vera Avera, Ella Kubina, Debbie Owen, Henri Etta Burnett, and Martha Canning (members of Silverhill's Zion Lutheran Church's Centennial Banner and Paraments Committees) assisted Pastor Dave in dedication of Trinity Season paraments and Centennial Banner (draped on the altar rail behind these ladies and hanging on the wall to the right of Mrs. Canning, respectively).
Banner and Trinity Season Paraments were dedicated the first full day of Zion Lutheran Church's Hundredth Year, Sunday the 19th of December 2004. Committee members included Vera Avera, Henri Etta Burnett, Martha Canning, Ella Kubina, Debbie Owen, and Shirley Stephens.